I am from Bryan/College Station and have been assisting clients with their real estate needs since 1999. I am married to a wonderful man who supports me and my crazy hours, my constant desire to remodel and the many nights I wake him up just to talk. He lovingly shared his 4 kids with me so I  could experience being a Mom and he also gave me 2 dogs I specifically told him I didn't want, but now, I wouldn't know what to do without!  We enjoy fishing, swimming, watching those Aggies and when time permits, we compete in BBQ cook-offs.

We support Habitat for Humanity, Easter Seals, Brazos County Go Texan, Bryan High School FFA, Rudder Rangerettes, United Way and MSC OPAS.

We are excited to watch our community grow with the Research Valley Partnership's Biocorridor, a new Scott and White Hospital, Business Parks, Downtown Revitalization, Hotels, Park Hudson, Luxury Apartments and more. We can't forget Texas A&M joining the SEC and the opportunities that has also offered our sister cities.

My goal is to make your real estate needs as stress free as possible. Give me a call, be it to buy or sell, and let me help you meet your goals!